Why I’m Writing

Brenda Keller
3 min readJan 27, 2020
Photo by Trent Erwin on Unsplash

I’ve been putting off this post for some time. I’ve been on Medium for a couple of years, but only as a reader. But I have thoughts in my mind that I feel I need to share. I’m not sure if you will learn anything from me, but I hope you may be inspired to take action you’ve been delaying in your life because I have finally taken action in mine.

Along the way, I hope to share with you what’s happening in my life. What I share may cause you to want to share something about yourself, or it may keep you from sharing. I’m not sure which outcome will prevail; this is an experiment to see what happens.

In addition to writing here, I’m working on starting a business around plastic canvas. Have you heard of creating things out of plastic canvas? If not, the basic concept is to use mesh that is made from plastic and attach yarn or thread to it to create something practical or artistic. Finished projects can be made one-dimensional, or canvas pieces can be joined together to create 3D items.

Pieces of 7-count plastic canvas.

I did a few small projects with plastic canvas many years ago, but this past August (2019), I decided to pick up the craft again to make a gingerbread house that would last. I found a pattern and here is an image of the finished product:

Completed gingerbread house made using plastic canvas. I used the Leisure Arts leaflet “Gingerbread House in Plastic Canvas” by Dick Martin.

Completing plastic canvas projects can be very time-consuming. The gingerbread house I made took me several weeks to complete. I may not be able to make enough money to live on by doing this craft, but I want to give it a try.

In future articles, I will share with you how things are going for me, what has worked, what hasn’t, lessons I’ve learned, and other thoughts. Reading is another passion of mine, so I may also share some ideas from books I have read.

Writing these types of articles goes against the advice I’ve read about writing on Medium or writing blog posts, but this is what is in my heart and what I want to share. I recently read the book The War of Art by Steven Pressfield. In the book, Pressfield writes:

We must do our work for its own sake, not for fortune or attention or applause.

This quote (and the entire book) has given me the courage to start writing and sharing with you. I hope you enjoy coming along with me on my journey. If something I’ve written inspires you to try something new, get out of your comfort zone, or gives you a win in your life, please share it with me. I’d love to know that I have impacted you positively, even if it’s in a small way.



Brenda Keller

Software coach showing others that software is easy to learn.